Electric furnace (oven) – 450°C



This electric furnace is developed on request of customer involved into production of electric heaters. Furnace is used for removing oil film from heaters after forming operation, this process is usually done at 420°C.


Furnace is equipped with fan of our own production. Fan ensures high intensity airflow inside oven. Electric heaters are installed on a right side of furnace. Temperature regulation is made on customer request with standard regulators, temperature regulation is On/Off.
Temperature distribution inside oven volume is maintained with high intensity airflow provided with fan.

Oven construction:

Oven is built in our standard system for temperatures up to 450°C, robust construction, and thick insulation ensure low thermal losses and ensure good base for fan, heaters and other equipment. Above the furnace hood for fumes extraction is installed.
Door opening is with two point turning to enable side-wise opening. On this way operator is not exposed to hot side of doors, also required area for furnace installation is lowered..

Operating conditions:

This oven, as are other ovens and furnaces of our production, is built for industrial usage in harshest condition, and in practically non-stop operation.

Oven fan:

Fans that we use on our ovens and furnaces are our own product and we have went thru several minor modifications of construction during last 30 years, fans are now extremely reliable, they are high capacity fans with very low maintenance requirements.

Heating elements:

Heating elements are a product of a high quality producer which produces heaters for word-wide customers. Heaters are not considered as a wear element and they don’t break down in expected operating conditions.

Main technical data:
Operating temperature:420°C
Useful dimensions:0.7 x 0.7 x 0.8 [m]
Power:15 [kW]
Air circulation:1 fan, power 1.5 [kW]
Door opening:Manually, sideways
Place of installationCroatia

Important note:

Here displayed oven is only an example of oven built on customer request, almost all of our products are built in dimensions and technical parameters based on customer requirements. Deliver us your requirement to receive offer for oven custom made for your production.

Additional equipment:

Every oven from our production can be built as electric or gas oven.
Our ovens can be delivered with options:

  • Single/double winged doors or pneumatic opening of doors
  • Door locking
  • Automatic transport in/out of oven
  • Professional data logger
  • ON/OFF or continuous power regulation
  • Forced extraction or fumes
  • Forced cooling
  • Other requirements
Končar Termotehnika